I promised the sweet
BubbliMuslima who presented me with a blog award a few weeks ago that I'd do this just for her. Anyhoo thanks for thinking of me hun! Now I have to write about where I see myself in 10 years.
[Photo credit: Matti Mattila] |
In 10 years time... I'll be 32 years
old young. I hope to have started a good, fulfilling career in the media industry by then. Preferably in an organisation which allows me to help others through my line of work. I definitely want a job that entails some sort of humanitarian cause so it's not just about 'me, me, me' all the way. No matter what I do, I hope I'll still be able to write and somehow make a difference with my writing. I also wouldn't mind dabbling in fashion merchandising and saving up towards owning a cafe or bakery of my own someday.
[Photo credit: Andrea Halsey] |
In 10 years time... who knows, I could be married with a kid or 2? But I know one thing's for sure. As much as I love and want children, I don't think it's a good idea to have them unless I'm with a man who will be an awesome Dad, leader and provider for the family. In an ideal situation it's best for children to live in a stable, happy home where both parents can get along synergistically. These days that is a lot to ask for, apparently. (I added this cute baby girl's photo for the 'awwww' effect. Did it work? =D)
In 10 years time... I want to finally settle down in a country. Yes, just one country because I'm getting pretty tired of figuring out where I belong. It could be Malaysia, it could be somewhere else. I'll leave that one a mystery for now.
In 10 years time... inshaAllah I'll be able to look back and say that I made some pretty good choices in life.
I like how you include things for yourself on the 10 yr list: like owning your very own cafe/bakery. I love that! I believe in you...gosh Sha I wish I could be as cool as you if I ever grow up ;)
But it all starts with a dream no? =)
Great post and great idea, u got me thinking aout my list... Inshallah you achieve everything you plan on or if not then something better!
Love your blog too, u r absolutly lovely sis and the pictures are so cheerful!
Keep up the great blogging :)
Take care :))
Layla: Aww thanks! and Ameen =) I think it's really important to be positive about the future.
So ladies, whatcha waiting for, start your own list now!
I will pray that all your dreams in 10 years time will become true. :)
Irene, thank you for leaving such a warm and thoughtful comment =)
Korean Muslim