Fashion Friday: Ribbon in the Sky
- Ardeana Hamlin
Before I started wearing hijab I used to see skinny scarves in shops and I'd wonder what they were good for. They're not wide or thick enough to keep me warm during winter and they're almost too long to be used as a Lauren Conrad-style headscarf. They look sweet when tied in a ribbon-style around the neck though. I bought a few because I couldn't resist such pretty prints like this one here...

Skinny scarves are pretty thin. You can almost see my fingers through this one here.
Back in my pre-hijab days I used to wear them like this...
As a new hijabi I get excited when I find ways to 'hijabify' my accessories and clothes! So now I think skinny scarves are great for adding some funk to plain hijabs. Yesterday, Lamya was getting ready for an outing and she wore a plain beige pashmina to match her maxi dress; a colourful and patterned one with a beige undertone. She thought her hijab style looked too plain so I made a suggestion for her to try a few of my headbands - one resembled 2 strings of pearls placed side-by-side and the other had sequins. After trying them out she decided not to look too fancy so I handed her this skinny scarf I bought a while back. In the end she came up with this delightful style which totally reminded me of Stevie Wonder's 'Ribbon in the Sky'! I decided to re-create the look and share it with ya'll today.

Step-by-step directions:
1. Tie your hair in a bun.
2. Take a plain scarf and wear it on your head while ensuring one end is shorter than the other.
3. Pull the two ends and cross them over behind your neck. Wrap the shorter end around your hair bun and tuck it in to make it secure. The whole thing should look like the second image.
4. Now get your skinny scarf. Fold it in half or three-quarter depending on the print you want to show on your hijab. Place it on top of your first scarf and tie it pretty snug at the back of your head while ensuring one end is shorter than the other.
5. Bring the longer end of the first scarf forward to the other side of your head like how I did in the third image. The scarf should cover your hair bun and neck as you do this. You can adjust it to make it as loose or tight as you want.
6. Tie a bow with the longer end of the skinny scarf. Let it sit nicely near your shoulder and you're done!
I think it looks cute for a fun day out with some friends and I hope you like this style!