That means 'hello' in Korean because I am in South Korea at the moment...
My family and I departed from Kuala Lumpur on Saturday night and we arrived in Seoul on Sunday morning. We made our way to Daejeon shortly after that. I'm still very tired from the journey and from the things I got up to prior to the trip. Saturday was in fact my birthday! Yes, I turned 25 on Saturday and it was a crazy, hectic day. I only had 3 hours of sleep on Friday night and I haven't rested much since I arrived Korea. I'm too tired to type much so I'll just show you what took place on Saturday.
Sunsilk x Scarflets x Bambang Soteto hijab and hair care workshop for hijabis at Westin Hotel. We learned a lot about hair and scalp care that day. I will definitely share what I learned with you when I get back to Malaysia, inshaa Allah. My friends and I also conducted a hijab style workshop for the participants that day.

After the Sunsilk event, I attended a music workshop presentation session. In brief, the workshop was organised by Cheshire Home and Young Voices to help "disabled" youth with a passion for music. These young and talented people were mentored by music teachers from Europe for a week and Saturday was presentation day. I'm so glad Tengku Munazirah, founder of The Hope Factory, invited me to this event and gave me the opportunity to be inspired by this group of young people. Very proud of them!
My friends surprised me with a slice of blueberry cheesecake on my birthday! I didn't see that coming at all. It was so thoughtful of them because they knew I was in a rush that day and didn't have time to celebrate my birthday properly. Thanks guys =')
3 hours after that I rushed to the airport with my family to catch our flight to Seoul. I'm super exhausted right now but I feel so very blessed too. Daejeon's a technology city and it's been interesting so far. We'll be going back to Seoul later this week insha Allah and I can't wait to do more exploring. Alhamdulillah for everything.
Before I go, please don't forget to vote for my friend, Rinad. She's trying to win a scholarship to study IT in New Zealand. All she needs is your vote over here. She's leading the scoreboard so far and we need to keep her at #1 so please share this post with your friends and family and tell them to vote for Rinad Tamimi. Thank you!

... and that's me holding a bag of baked goodies in front of Daejeon's most famous and oldest bakery, Sung Sim Dang in the Joongang-ro area.

After the Sunsilk event, I attended a music workshop presentation session. In brief, the workshop was organised by Cheshire Home and Young Voices to help "disabled" youth with a passion for music. These young and talented people were mentored by music teachers from Europe for a week and Saturday was presentation day. I'm so glad Tengku Munazirah, founder of The Hope Factory, invited me to this event and gave me the opportunity to be inspired by this group of young people. Very proud of them!

My friends surprised me with a slice of blueberry cheesecake on my birthday! I didn't see that coming at all. It was so thoughtful of them because they knew I was in a rush that day and didn't have time to celebrate my birthday properly. Thanks guys =')

That's Ella blowing my birthday candle before I did. Hmm.
Before I go, please don't forget to vote for my friend, Rinad. She's trying to win a scholarship to study IT in New Zealand. All she needs is your vote over here. She's leading the scoreboard so far and we need to keep her at #1 so please share this post with your friends and family and tell them to vote for Rinad Tamimi. Thank you!
@hatim, I feel like blogging daily too cos there's so much to write about. I'll try to post every few days or so inshaa Allah, depending on how I feel after sightseeing / shopping on those days hehe.
awesome tat u can go holiday at Seoul!
i wish i can go there too one day :)
MashAllah, your blog is such a treat :)
Lots of love
@Iffah Izzati, ameen, thank you! x
@zila, inshaa Allah! Hope you get to go. Korea was a good experience.
@Feda, thank you beautiful lady. Virgos have an unspoken connection. It's undeniable =) And I hope you do get to go to Japan & Korea someday, isA!
@GreenApplez, thank you isA you will.
@Adik Shin, ohhh ok! Nanti I will write a post about braces =)
@Ikhlas, alhamdulillah I was given the opportunity and I wish the same for you too. Thank you for your kind words xox
@lil pink, isA you will soon xox