Auckland Getaway {Part 1}
A month ago, I was fully stressed out with my dissertation and it so happened that the one and only Mustafa Davis was going to be in Auckland for a couple of days to screen his documentaries and conduct workshops. I knew it was a sign. I Facebook-ed my friend, Shaymaa, and next thing I know I booked myself a ticket out of my misery.
Two weeks later, I arrived Auckland and Shaymaa graciously picked me up from the airport. The sun was shining, it was super warm and I was with a wonderful friend... I just knew I was going to have a good time in Auckland. At the very least, I knew I was determined to have a good time.
My beautiful Shaymaa.

She took me home and introduced me to the newest addition in her family, Louis.
It was love at first sight.
I think his ears are his best features, don't you think so too?
Then Shaymaa's parents grilled some bbq for lunch and it was deeeelicious. I told you I knew I was going to have a good time, didn't I?
.... to be continued
and yes, you passed a very good time there!
your blog is so beautiful and informative.
i frequently visit the following new converts you tube channel.
i think,this awesome two new sisters in islam may help make understand the non muslim sisters who are thinking of converting but confused (how to revert).
For the Maria Elena hijab style: