Two Best Times for Dua in Ramadan

Salaam beautiful people. I came across this video yesterday and I really want you to see it. We are given a multitude of opportunities for us to seek Allah's help and guidance through dua (supplication) and sadly, we let them slip away. 

"Qadr is always fighting with dua."

Dua has helped me get through some of the most challenging times but it has also tested my patience and sincerity. What I've learned is that we have to be certain that Allah will answer our duas but it will be at a time when He deems best and it will not always be in the way or form that we expect. 

I really, really want to emphasise on this: Never give up on your dreams and your duas. So let's use these amazing opportunities to make dua for ourselves, our loved ones and those who are going through hardship and loss. Please remember our brothers and sisters in Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Myanmar and many, many more around the world who are facing oppression and difficulties. The more we make dua for others, the more Allah will have mercy on us too, inshaAllah


Fida Islaih said…
Thank you so much for the reminder (: I even love the presentation of it (: